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Kiwicare LawnPro Prickle & Hydrocotyle 250ml

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Get rid of pesky prickles & control your kikuya with this specially formulated concentrate from Kiwicare.

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Product overview

Get rid of pesky prickles & control your kikuya with this specially formulated concentrate from Kiwicare.

LawnPro Prickle and Hydrocotyle has been formulated for the control of broadleaf weeds such as Onehunga prickle weed, thistles, hydrocotyle, clovers, creeping oxalis and other broadleaf weeds in New Zealand lawns. Systemic active work to control the common lawn weeds, while the long lasting formula continues activity in the soil to suppress growth of weeds and moss for an extended period.

For best results: Mow 2-3 days before application with the mower height raised a notch or two above normal. Measure size of lawn. (1 L mix will cover 10 m²). On established lawns dilute 10 ml to 1 L water. Apply using a pressure sprayer. Voila!

• Effective herbicide for control of prickles & hydrocotyle
• Curative – Kills existing Onehunga, thistles, hydrocotyle, clovers, creeping oxalis and other broadleaf weeds
• Preventative – continues activity in the soil to suppress growth of weeds and moss for an extended period
• Suppresses kikuyu grass
• Lawn safe
• Designed, tested and manufactured in NZ for NZ conditions

Active Ingredients: 162g/L Triclopyr BEE in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate
Size: 0.25L
Weight: 0.25kg

NOTE: Do not use on cotulla and dichondra lawns or those where clover is being encouraged. If composting lawn clippings, do not use compost for six months.

HSNO Approval Code: HSR000574 View SDS Documentation

Product code: G40220


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Questions and answers

0 votes
Will this product kill kikuyu grass permanently?
For kikuyu grass, we recommend a Glyphosate-based weed killer. We have a few options for this in our kiwicare weed weapon range
By Trade Tested on March 03 2025
0 votes
Is this product safe for kids and pets
We recommend waiting 24-48 hours just to be safe
By Trade Tested on February 14 2025
0 votes
Does LawnPro Prickle and Hydrocotyle spray stain concrete if spry comes into contact with it?
When applied to concrete this should not stain it. However, I would recommend testing on an inconspicuous area if there is any concern, and I would advise against applying it on very light surfaces such as white marble.
By Trade Tested on May 16 2024
1 vote
What best time to apply lawn pro to Kikuyu Grass and how long take to show killing off??
Best apply it in full sun, so it absorbs quicly. We'd suggest waiting for a dry forecast, if rain expected within 4 hours don't apply. It will take at least 2 weeks for weeds to die.
By Trade Tested on February 06 2023
0 votes
Can I spray on this product at this time of the year?
You can, but these types of products work best when it is drier and when the sun is out. It can be a bit of a challenge trying to find a day like this at this time of year.
By Trade Tested on June 18 2023